Monday, September 21, 2009

Too bright

Holidays' ending soon, and there's one thing for sure, i enjoy slacking. I really miss my "those days"... where I have no commitments, responsibilities, permanent job, car, and last but not least, no shits.

I can reach the shop where i worked 3PM when im supposed to be there at 1PM.. If I'm tired, I'll bincang with my supervisor, "let me sleep 2-3 hours... I'll give u 1K personal sales tonight..."... normally she agrees with the deal, she know i can't do it, but yet she still says Ogay~~ awwww i miss her... my half mommy~! T.T....

Im enjoying my life right now, over did it. Cash been low every second week of the month, I think i need to do something about it next month's the trip, how to save... arghh!!I've cut down so much on beers/clubs, and im spending it on other stuffs. Brrr.... no wonder Mom's nagging.

I feel that my blog's getting boring-er and boring-er each day.... I've no crappy ideas no more... but sometimes i feel like a clown... theres this babe told me... "when im moody or sad, i'll check out your FB/blog..." i asked her why... she replied ... "coz you're so sohai..and i will laugh looking at it..especially your pictures.." so what the fuck is this...? I'm a sohai, i made u laugh. A sohai made you laugh. A sohai that made you laugh and you called him a sohai..! So what are you? Another sohai? Or a fucking sohai? Or a sohai laughing while looking at a sohai trying to make other sohais laugh?? Okok, i don't wanna be evil here, I'll take it as a compliment, Thank You =) *swt*

I've received some positive feedbacks from fellow friends, saying, *no, they didn't say Im a sohai* my blog's interesting, especially the post on my neighbour... my neighbour actually made me popular... and previously I will be damn stress when she kisiao, but now, im fucking sad she's not siao. I think some of the handful of readers of my blog wants to read updates of her... well, trust me... im trying my best to capture the most godlike moments of her, till then, just read some of my random craps, bear with me! LOL.

And yeah, the babes' coming back tonight~ Thought it will be a sad sad Holiday 4 days cannot see the face that i always dream of at night, think of in the evening, miss during the afternoon and would love to wake up to in the morning~!

And I'm proud, achieving 1 meal per day target! woohoo. I feel thinner, but i still weigh the same.

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