Monday, February 8, 2010

55 5 months

In another few hours, we'll be officially attached for 5 months. Curse me babehh~ I broke your spell! *proud*!!! Nyehehe!

And of course....

There are....

Many things that I can't do but I said it,
Many things that I've promised and break it,
Many things that I've commit but you can't see it,
Many things that I've said but you can't feel it.

But I'm sure you know that...

When I said it, I meant it,
When I promised, I ACCIDENTLY broke the promise, and always, later, fulfill it,
When I do so much, I expect you to at least praise me for it (most of the time you will :> )
When you can't feel it, I will keep saying it.

I'm sure every reader out there, sacrificed so much for your loved ones and you thought whatever you did, can't be seen or felt by your partner. They do, actually, they just don't show it. Not immediately after a big fight though depending on your luck.

But I swear, your "hard work" pays off well after a week or two. Don't tolerate them, accept them for who they are, like how you accept the fact that the one you're kissing good night every night is the one that you hate the most when you're arguing/fighting/boxing/slapping/spitting at/ kicking/cursing at/screaming etc.

Trust me loyal readers, they don't mean a single hurtful fucked up, chowcheebye sohai niamagehai lanjiao imba words they said through the phone or right at your fuck face =)

At the end of the day, they will be the one you want to see most and you would do anything just to listen to them saying Fuck off! Cheebye "I Love you" to you again, right?

No, I'm not trying to say that we fight alot, but it's a norm in every relationship. And yes, she's I'm effing into me her!

p/s: I love you. =')

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